Shrnutí PowerPoint diagramy

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shoppingBag Prodej: 26

Shrnutí PowerPoint diagramy

Created: 18. 3. 2021

Updated: 18. 3. 2021

ID: 175188

Shrnutí PowerPoint diagramy - Features Image 1

2 Reviews for this product

Einfaches anpassen des Templates in Farben und Schrift möglich. Kleine, aber feine Auswahl. Hat mehr sehr viel Zeit gespart!
Thank you so much for your rating, really appreciate it.
Great work, Very useful and complete golden pack !! .......Thanks,

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Požadavky na software a hosting:

Powerpoint 2007 (doporučujeme) nebo Powerpoint 2003 Powerpoint 2007 (doporučujeme) nebo Powerpoint 2003
Powerpoint 2007 (recommended) or Powerpoint 2003